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Created 28-Sep-09
Modified 16-Mar-15
Visitors 155
31 photos
"The flower is the poetry of reproduction. It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life."
~ Jean Giraudoux

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Black-eyed SusansBlack-eyed Susans IIWild Daisies in the Meadow IICorpse Flower In BloomSunburst SunflowerCranberry HibiscusPassion FlowerTwo BhutsGhosts and GlobeTwo Bhuts and a BallThai HeatWell-hungDesert RoseSunflower & Butterfly WeedSunflower IIHibiscusOrchid EleganceShimmering PinkPurple is the Color of Passion...Cuban Buttercup