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Created 30-Sep-09
Modified 16-Mar-15
Visitors 96
23 photos
"geometric shapes, wild and refined
interjecting upon God’s design
The painted tableau, sketched upon the earth
a living canvas stretched on fine framework"

~ Luna Jade from "A Vision From Above"

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:landscape, nature, scenic

Backyard VistaAnother Backyard CloudscapeA Perfect HangGreen Cay on a Winter DayGreen Cay on a Winter Day (B&W)Mirror, Mirror on the LakeMirror, Mirror on the Lake (B&W)Liquid SerenityLoxahatchee Lake DramaticWander Through the GreenBlob 'O RootsArrival at the Westin DiplomatGreen Cay WalkwayGreen Cay on a Beautiful DayViewing the World from a Different AngleGreen Cay MiddayGreen Cay Midday (HDR)Green Cay at DuskGreen Cay at Dusk (HDRI 1)Green Cay at Dusk (HDRI 2)