Welcome to a realm of Beauty Suspended…
images of life and the world we are blessed to live in.

Beauty Suspended features the Fine Art photography and digital design work of eclectic artist Luna Jade... vocalist, songwriter, photographer, poet, writer... a few of her creative expressions.

Luna’s photos are visions of time, space and emotion; lovingly captured so that they may be shared.

Although apt to explore many different visual topics, she is particularly drawn to photographing the natural world... the beauty in the world around us and the divine creatures we share this planet with.

Images of the Photographer at work: http://shop.beautysuspended.com/photographeratwork

To learn more about Luna, visit LunaJade.com

Visit the Beauty Suspended blog

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Note: To see the photos at maximum size and detail, I recommend viewing the photos via the slide show.

Also, Clicking a second time on a photograph when not in the slide show will show a larger version.

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Ordering Prints:
To order, select a photograph and then click on the "BUY" button located on the upper right portion of the screen. Note that any watermarks, signatures or frames will be removed from the picture prior to printing.

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Copyright and Image use:
The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission of Luna Jade.

Important Notes
  • Copyright and all rights are reserved on all images and content created by Luna Jade / Beauty Suspended.
  • Contact Luna if you would like to make a copy and use any text or images for publication elsewhere.
  • Artists: Contact Luna if you would like to use any images as reference photos for your art (i.e. paintings, sculpture, etc.)
  • Copying for commercial use is subject to license and a fee.
  • See Copyright Notice for full copyright terms.