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Uploaded 22-Jul-14
Taken 21-Jul-14
Visitors 2
4 of 31 photos

Corpse Flower In Bloom

Amorphophallus titanum, titan arum, or "Corpse Flower"…
a carrion flower by any other name would still smell as stinky.

This lovely is a resident of the Tropical Bamboo Nursery in West Palm Beach. A corpse flower bloom is a rare and fleeting event (once every 7 years or so, lasting for only about 30 hours)… I'm glad I was able to experience it. What a wild sight! It has a very otherworldly "Feed Me, Seymour" vibe.

As for its reputed stench… since it went into bloom yesterday afternoon, I was spared the brunt of its stinkiness.
NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D7000, f/6.3 @ 26 mm, 1/250, ISO 1250, Flash

Corpse Flower In Bloom