Beauty is Relative... Look Deeper
We've had quite a few vulture visitations this past week. During yesterday morning's sunrise photo shoot at the beach, several of them were riding the thermals above us. Then later, as I sat eating lunch at the kitchen table, two of them landed on neighbor's roof as I gazed out the window. When I went out on the patio to get a better look, I saw one land on our other neighbor's roof.
Curious about so many sitings in such a short time, I walked out to the lake to see if anything was going on and noticed a band of American Black Vultures congregated at the end of our lake. They actually let me get fairly close to take some pictures before they decided to fly off to other scavenging grounds.
The vulture is a frequently and wrongfully maligned bird. They provide an invaluable role in nature... that of cleaning up the dead and decaying, limiting the spread of disease and bacteria. And another thought to ponder...
unlike most other living creatures, vultures do not kill. Their prey either dies or something else kills it. A truly noble quality.
For those interested in Animal Spirit totems:
the vulture is a symbol of death and rebirth, new vision, new beginning, and purification of mind and body.
The Black Vulture: Time of transformation is approaching
NIKON D80, f/5.6 @ 200 mm, 1/80, ISO 100
All images and content © 2007-2015, Luna Jade ~ Beauty Suspended. All Rights Reserved.